Medi-Legal Retrieval
On-Site Retrieval & Serving Subpoenas Services Nationwide
Medi-Legal Retrieval is located in El Dorado Hills, serving the El Dorado, Sacramento and Placer counties. We handle process serving, document retrieval and filings with the court for attorney law firms and individuals throughout the surrounding areas.
* For areas outside our service area - there is an additional travel fee
Phone: 916-530-2339
Counties Within Service Area
Sacramento County: Districts 1-3 - Flat Rate
District 4 +$65
District 5 - +$45
Placer County: District 1 + Flat Rate
District 2 +$55
District 3 +$35
District 4 +$Flat Rate
District 5 +$75 / $85
El Dorado County: District 1 - Flat Rate
District 2 +$75
District 3 +$85
District 4 +$95
District 5 +$105
Amador County: District 1-2: +$85
District 3: +$105
District 4: +$85
District 5: +$65
Areas outside of these districts will incur an additional travel fee, depending on distance past county line.
Sacramento County

Placer County

El Dorado County