Medi-Legal Retrieval
On-Site Retrieval & Serving Subpoenas Services Nationwide
Levels Of Service
Priority Rush
Next Day within 24 hrs.
Same Day within 6-12 hrs.
Within 3 Days
All Serves are attempted at minimum 3 times before sub-serving
Attempts are varied between different days & times, with detailed notes & pictures for every attempt and service.
Minimum 5 attempts for every order
Need multiple filings / serves every month?
Price per order reduces, the more orders there are.
Save 10% on every order For 10-14 orders per month
Save 15% on every order For 15-19 orders per month
Save 20% on every order For 20-24 orders per month
Save 25% on every order For 25 or more orders per month
Process Service
We provide process serving services for attorney law firms, and individuals seeking to have documents served including filings with the court. Serving individuals and businesses, and civil action process service, with proof of service provided. Our team of professionals ensures that all legal documents are delivered in a timely and efficient manner.
Routine Service (3 days)
Court Filings
We handle all legal filings with the court on behalf of attorney law firms and individuals. Our team of professionals is well-versed in the legal requirements and procedures for filing legal documents, ensuring that all filings are accurate and timely.
Routine Filing (3 days)
Priority Rush
Next Day Service (24 hrs)
Priority Rush
Next Day Filing (24 hrs)
Urgent Rush
Same Day (6-12 hrs)
Urgent Rush
Same Day Filing (6-12 hrs)
Unlawful Detainer & Restraining Orders
Document Retrieval / Scanning Records
We provide process serving services for attorney law firms, property management companies and individuals seeking to have documents served notice, file and re-served.
We offer document retrieval services for attorney law firms. Our team of experts can retrieve legal documents from courts, government agencies, and other sources, saving our clients time and resources.